Get Involved
So you’d like to go to India and help the Tibetans tell their stories? Geshe and I would love to take you!
There are two ways to get involved and make certain that you have a place in The TEXT Program. The next trip is scheduled for Summer ’15.
- First of all, drop an email to Sidney Burris or Geshe Dorjee and tell them you want to get involved in the Program. They’ll put your name on the list, and you’ll be kept up to date on the next trip to India.
- Second, and a better way to get involved with The TEXT Program, is to enroll in one of the three courses that Geshe Dorjee and Professor Burris teach during the school year. You’ll receive a wonderful introduction to Tibetan culture and philosophy, as well as get to know the directors of the project. Your trip to India will be greatly enhanced by the experience in the classroom where you will learn to do everything from making sand mandalas to eating mo-mo’s (Tibetan dumplings!), and you might even learn a little Tibetan to boot. The classes are listed below.
For more information, check out the UA Study Abroad page.

HUMN 3923H — Colloquium: Tibetan Philosophy and Culture — An honors colloquium, the course covers the basics of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, while introducing the student to the rich culture and history of Tibet. Students will make a sand mandala, cook Tibetan food, and experience Tibet through the capable instruction of a Tibetan Buddhist monk. Offered Spring and Fall.
HUMN 2013 — Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy: A basic introduction to Buddhist philosophy around the world. Offered in the Fall.
HUMN 425V / PLSC 400V — The Fate of Non-Violence in the 21st Century: A survey of the careers of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and the Dalai Lama, this course provides a fundamental introduction to the history of non-violence as shaped by these three extraordinary individuals. The course focuses not only on the history of the movement, but also introduces the students to their own role in shaping a more harmonious community. Offered Monday nights, 6:00-8:50, in the Spring semester.